More About me

Between January and August 2024 I have:

  • Attended the Voice Study Centre short course ‘The Four ‘P’s of Accent Acquisition’, a Knight-Thompson speed work approach with Andrea Caban.
    Attended a short online Voice Study Centre Course: ‘The Sounds and Ornamentations of Indian Classical Music’ with Samyukura Ranganathan.
  • Attended the ‘ Bel Canto Book Camp course: ‘ Skill Set Summer 24’, 6 weeks , onset, legato, messa do voice, trill, agility etc .
  • completed a Coaching and Mentoring Skills Level 3 Course through Training Express.
  • completed a Designated Safeguarding Lead Course (children/vulnerable adults)
  • Co-led a week-end intense AOTOS Essentials course for singing teachers in their first 5 years of Teaching
  • June : attended BVA ‘Approaching Accents’ Day
  • Attended LCM Musical Theatre Webinar day
  • Attended AOTOS ‘Conducting for Singers Day in May, and the 2 say summer conference in July.
  • in Association with the Swindon Music Hub, lead a Swindon Secondary Schools Singing day
  • Staged an adult solo singing concert
  • Directed the JTPTrust (  summer Gala concert
  • attended Voice Study Centre Jazz Vocals with Claire Martin course in March

In 2023 I:

  • Co-led a 5 week AOTOS Essentials course for singing teachers in their first 5 years of teaching
  • Adjudicated at the  Nova Hreod Swindon school singing competition
  • Attended the AOTOS summer and Autumn Conferences, and South West Area day

In 2022 I was:

  • made an AOTOS Honorary Life Member (Association of Teachers of Singing). I am VERY proud to receive this honour.
  • Completed a VHE Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers Course

Education and Qualifications:
I am an alumna of City University, the Royal Academy of Music and The University of West London. I have an MA in Arts Management, BA (Hons) Music/Psychology, LRAM Singing Teaching Diploma and an ATCL Piano Teaching Diploma. I have been a singing teacher, vocal coach and mentor for over four decades. I am interested in therapeutic connections between singer, teacher, song and text. In 2021 I gained a Diploma in Mental Health Awareness and In 2022 I completed a Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers.

Explorations during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Joining the National Association of Teachers of Singing in the US (NATS) for 18 months gave me access to the NATS summer conference in 2019, where I observed in particular techniques for working with transgender singers, and also Country and Western vocal styles in some detail; discovering the cross-training teaching techniques of Broadway coach Mary Saunders-Barton;  fine-tuning my understanding and teaching of Bel Canto techniques through the Bel Canto Boot Camp/The Vaccai Project; exploring registers with Vocal Process and Jenevora Williams and completing a Vocal Health First Aider course with Vocal Health Education.

Membership of Professional Organisations:
The Association of Teachers of Singing (AOTOS), The European Voice Teachers Association,  Association of English Singers and Speakers (AESS) and most recently The Bel Canto Boot Camp (US). I have served as Chair and Conference Director of AOTOS also on the Programme Planning Committee and in the devising of and mentoring on the AOTOS Essentials Teacher Development course.
I am also the Director of the JTPTrust ( a vocal educational charity serving Swindon and the surrounding areas.

Past Lectures and Papers Include:
Eurovox Young Developing Voices at national and international events; for AOTOS conference in 2007 and subsequent Teacher Training Courses; the BVA circa 2002; for EVTA, Eurovox in 2012; for AICI in Mantova, Italy and at the ABCD conference in 2014. In 2029 (pre-pandemic) I presented ‘Altogether Now’, a demonstration of nurturing the young singer within a group teaching situation at the South-East AOTOS Area Day.

Teachers,  Mentors, Influences and Courses:
Most recent and ongoing influences are Rachelle Jonck and Derrick Goff of the ‘Vaccai Project’ (Bel Canto Boot Camp). Historically: Meribeth Dayme PhD, Vocal Anatomy Course for Voice Professionals/Core Singing; RAM teacher Mary Makower ARAM, Royal Academy of Music; singing teacher Mollie Petrie; musicians Donald Cashmore and Donald Ellman; BVA Voice and the Neck’/‘Pop, Rock and Jazz’ and other courses; Vocal Process; the Estill Model; Alexander Technique; Mindfulness; Brain Gym; Christina Shewell, Voice Foundation Singing and Speaking Course; British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Level 1, the Chakras, Janice Chapman, Mary King, W.Stephen Smith Masterclass,  19C singing teaching techniques of Manuel Garcia 11. Also Mary Saunders Barton on musical theatre techniques.

Early Singing Career Highlights:
A recital at St Martin-in-the-Fields, an solo appearance at the Queen Elizabeth Hall with City of London Choir and ad hoc choral work with the BBC Singers and other professional choirs (under the professional name of Janice Eveleigh)

Former students have:
Have gained first class music/performance degrees at university; distinctions at Diploma level; studied at national conservatoires; are singing in National and European Opera Companies; have appeared in West End starring roles;  are touring in Bands;  are singing teachers/conductors themselves;  are lead singers in local performance companies. Many keep in touch and some return on occasion for refresher lessons.

Performance Direction and Co-ordination experience includes:
Operatic works, youth musicals, community productions and  conferences. My links with contemporary vocal composers include the direction of musicals and short operas by Betty Roe MBE. In particular I have championed community productions on topics related to my home town, including ‘Brunel the Little Man in the Tall Hat’ (2006 and 2016) and Swindon the Opera (2012 and a lecture performance ‘Creating STO’ in 2022), both featuring Betty Roe’s music.  I have also been instrumental in bringing the vocal compositions of the late Nigel Draycott  into print and has acted as a consultant in the updating of the Trinity Laban singing exam syllabus.

And when I am not teaching:
I am married with three adult children and five grandchildren, all of whom are musical in their own ways!